Thursday, 23 January 2020

Timer role in TM Theme: Exploring the colors of India.

I asked my teacher, difference between Independence day and republic day? He reminded me of the difference, but also added something new in knowledge. He said "there is difference between speeches given on this days. One reminds of our glorious past while other gives glimpses of future which we are headed towards".This is the land of sages, land of peace and land of solidarity with world. We had our days of struggle, longings and violence. Today is not the day to talk about it. With the beginning of new decade, new hopes and new energy. My colorful, colorful  country, full of colors. Colors of India is its languages, food, spirituality, cultural heritage and architecture, various religion and traditions and faith.

To other countries, I may go as a tourist, but to India, I come as a pilgrim.- Martin Luther King Jr.

Have you ever had a conversation with a foreigner about India.By just answering few of their questions, one will see surprise in their eyes to know about your story and you.
This makes us so proud of our country.

Good Evening Fellow TM and dear guest!

When we talk about our motherland, i can go on and on but due to the time constraints i can't share more.We all know that how much we respect our time, so being a time keeper of the meeting, i would be noting down the time taken by all the speakers in the meeting and will notify the speakers how they are doing with their time.

<<For Prepared Speeches on the day>>

For the prepared speech section The time limit is based on the project you are taking up. Time Limits for the prepared speeches are  5-7mins. When 2 min of your allocated time are left I will be displaying the Green Card. When Last 1 minute is left I will be displaying the yellow card. A red card is shown When the time is up. 30 seconds of grace time is given to the speaker after which the speaker must stop

The time duration for evaluators is 3 minutes. When 1 min is remaining I will be displaying the green card, when 30 sec are remaining I will be displaying the yellow card and red card when the time is up. After this, 30 seconds of grace time is given to the speaker after which the speaker must stop, the same follows for table topic section which is of 2 minutes.

In the end, I would be presenting the Timer’s report and inform whether they were over the time limit or not. Best of luck to the all speakers.

Wishing everyone a good luck, Participate actively, adhere to timelines and Enjoy the session.
Over to you TMOD Shruti.

PS: Will always start my speech with a question from the past.