Sunday, 22 March 2020

Theme: Moments

MEETING 596 for 12th February 2020

Theme: M.O.M.E.N.T.S

Down the memory lane as our thoughts fly
Memories of the moments which made us feel low or high.
Some inevitable,
Some inseparable,
Yet, so memorable.
Moments! are perishable,
Yet so cherishable.

I believe, Moments are cyclic. If you are having a bad day, you will also have a happy day, similarly if you had a good day, you will have a bad day. It usually happens to me, I remember school days were good when in college and college days were good when I am working. However, everything has a fixed time, one can’t leave the moment again other than in ones memory. Nevertheless, Memory is deceptive as its colored by today's event. Let seize these moment as Moments are cyclic.

Good evening fellow TM and dear guests

In lot of moments there are few moments in our routine, especially in IT profession where the widow is taking time to load, or browser is connecting, please wait a moment pop up or most vital desktop is hanged.  We have these moments every day, we don’t want though. Similarly, in our speeches there are unintentional pauses, filler pattern and ah counts which we are use to while speaking but can’t be ignored as it distracts audience.
Here comes my role as an Ah counter in today’s meet, I will be monitoring the usage of Ahs, crutch words, filler patterns and unintentional pauses, both long and short. I’ll be keeping a record of the Ahs which are sounds like Ah, Um, Err, Hmm etc. Crutch words and filler patterns are words used to fill our thought process and include words such as ‘you know’, ‘I mean’, ‘actually’, ‘like’.A short pause is a pause up to 3 seconds and a long pause, over 3 seconds. So let’s try to have pauses as rightly-timed as possible and aim to minimize the use of unintended pauses, Ahs and filler words in our speech.
I will be presenting my report when the general evaluator calls for the report and would also be mentioning the perfect articulator of the day.

A perfect Articulator is the person who would be using minimum ah counts and filler words. Best of luck to the all speakers. Lastly, also there are some courageous moments when we do stuffs out of our comfort zone, especially for first timers. Please avail the opportunity and participate actively.