Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Theme: Make hay while the sun shines, Role: Timer

Role takers for 1 April 2020
Virtual zoom meeting

Theme: Make hay while the sun shine,

Break an hourglass into sixty pieces.

Pick each one up and see if you've lived them through every minute.

Have you harvested the seasons passing or have you succumbed to the frozen times?

Whatever your calling, join us to know how to make hay while the sun shines.


On my first day in mysore, I meet a girl. We had a decent conversation which started with we telling our names to each other.  After hearing her name, I had curiosity to know the meaning of her name, which as per her meant “Sunshine”. Few days later, when we were allotted Desktop, luckily she was my partner. Of course, I didn’t remember her real name but only sunshine, which I call her till date.

Good Evening Fellow TM and dear guest!

She had many of her favorite quotes starting with sun shine all signifies different aspect of life. I made those in my quotes bucket list. Those help me in various phase of life. -- If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun” by Dr. A.P.J  Kalam motivates me to work hard. --At times when I am away from my loved ones and lonely, the quote “Sun is alone to but it still shines” keeps me going. At my time of adversity the famous quote “We all will see Sunshine after Moonlight.” Helps me.  But the most favorite which tells importance of time is “Make the hay while sun shines”.  We are always bound by time constraint whatever act we are performing in life. So when sun shines upon us is I believe the time when universe wants us to collect as much hay as possible.  I can go on and on but time constraint won’t allow.

My role is also about making sure the meeting sticks to the time lines. So being a time keeper of the meeting, I would be noting down the time taken by all the speakers in the meeting and will notify the speakers how they are doing with their time.
Usually Toast Master’s take up various project and delivery prepared speeches. We don’t have any prepared speech today instead we have a 20 min activity being conducted by TMOD . For the activity, when 2 min of your allocated time is left I will be displaying the Green Screen. When Last 1 minute is left I will be displaying the yellow screen. A red screen is shown When the time is up. 30 seconds of grace time is given to the speaker after which the speaker must stop

In the Table topic section time duration for an impromptu speech is 2 minutes. When 1 min is remaining I will be displaying the green card. When 30 sec is left I will be displaying the yellow card and red card when the time is up. After this, 30 seconds of grace time is given to the speaker after which the speaker must stop. For the table topic sections if the participants exceed the time limits allocation to them they will not be eligible for the best Table Topic speaker award. 
In the end, I would be presenting the Timer’s report and inform whether they were over the time limit or not. Best of luck to the all speakers.

Wishing everyone a good luck, Participate actively, adhere to timelines and Enjoy the session.

That’s all from me for now, over to you Toastmaster XYZ

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Theme: Book-Bound and Role: Grammarian

Role takers for 25th March 2020
Online Meeting

Theme: Book-Bound📕📗📘📔📚

Pages, words, chapters and more;

Stories and fantasies and knowledge galore;

A friend, a companion and so much more,

Let this book-bound journey touch your existential shores.

Books are a hard bound drug with no danger of overdose. I am a happy victim of books. I received a story book as prize in 1st class. My love for reading books began. Every new standard came up with new books and new stories and that was something I always looked forward to. From stories, interest changed to learning science and history. But books always remained constant companion.

Good evening fellow toastmasters and dear guests.

Reading books may be the number one way you can improve your grammar. When you read, you reinforce correct grammar in your mind. ... In addition to improving your grammar, reading will help with all aspects of your writing, from sentence fluency to increased vocabulary, which will help in coming all future speeches.

<< Role description >>

As the Grammarian and Word Master of today's meet, I would be keeping an eye on incorrect grammar usage, mispronunciations, misplaced words and tenses, and the quality of language usage in general. I will also be noting the good words used and I will throw them open to the audience for the meanings. As the word master, I’d like to introduce the word and idiom of the day.
Word of the Day 


- to obtain or collect something such as information, support etc

Example:- All the details that we garnered about his research has been made into a presentation.

Would anyone like to use WOD

Idiom of the Day 

In a heartbeat

-immediately, without hesitation

Example:- Call me if you need any help, I'll be there in a heartbeat.

Would anyone like to use WOD

It is a club practice to show thumbs up on the usage of word and idiom of the day to encourage and appreciate the speaker. I would be presenting a report at the end of the meeting, highlighting the incorrect usage and giving the correct usage.


I have divided my report in 3 parts:
1.       Good words and phrases – 4 examples
2.       Incorrect usage and their correct usage – 2 examples

3.       Who used WOD and IOD?

Grammar tip:

Problems with 'highest' or 'the highest'?

Most grammar books will tell you that you need "the" before a superlative like "highest" or "lowest", but this is not always true.

We use "the" when there is a noun after the adjective e.g. the highest number, the highest proportion.

When we put the noun before, we don't need "the" e.g. the number was highest, the proportion was highest.
So, compare these 2 sentences:

- The UK had the highest rate of unemployment.
- The unemployment rate was highest in the UK.