Thursday 17 October 2024

Change my image- Song/Rap

 Wanna change my image, yeah, I’m quite self-aware,

Confident in my skin, though I know life ain't fair.
Is it right being bold when the pockets feel thin?
But it’s not a point to worry, I’m ready to begin.

Big round of applause, let the accolades flow,
We must have culture in us, let that essence grow.
I just give opinions, keep it real, keep it true,
Just because it has a past, doesn’t mean it’s less new.

Verse 2 (Rap)
Yo, it’s a game of destiny, plotting every move,
Wanna get my work done, gotta find my groove.
Not doing it intentionally, life’s a twist and turn,
But I’ll pray for it all, every lesson I learn.

It’s time to let you go, gotta free my mind,
You are very confident, now it’s my time to shine.
Loyalty is vital, got my crew by my side,
With funny people around, we’re enjoying the ride.

Big round of applause, let the accolades flow,
We must have culture in us, let that essence grow.
I just give opinions, keep it real, keep it true,
Just because it has a past, doesn’t mean it’s less new.

So why did you bring this? It’s all part of the game,
Let’s suppose we rise up, we’ll never be the same.
From my end, it’s love, and I’m ready to soar,
It’s the game of destiny, I’m opening the door.

The song explores themes of self-discovery, confidence, and resilience. It reflects the journey of wanting to change one's image while being aware of personal challenges. It emphasizes the importance of culture, loyalty, and the value of past experiences. The rap verses highlight determination in pursuing goals despite obstacles, suggesting that life's twists are part of the journey. Ultimately, it conveys a message of empowerment, embracing change, and finding strength in community and self-acceptance.

Monday 10 May 2021

Bharat Ek khoj: Opening songNasadiya Sukta

 I am a big fan of good old television serials that used to come on Doordarshan. One such serial was "Bharat Ek Khoj" based on Jawahar Lal Nehru's "Discovery of India". My mother says that when I was very young say 2 to 3 years old, I used to recite that entire shloka and the subsequent song of that serial. People used to get amazed at this. I still remember the song and the shlokas. The only difference is that I know now the correct pronounciation and meaning of that song. I found out that the song is based on teachings of Rig Veda.

It is called "Nasadiya Sukta" (Nasadiya means'not-being') of Rig Veda where the basic question of existence is asked. The rishi, the narrator of the veda asks the question that when there was "nothing" absolutely "nothing" then the 1st thing that came into being was called "GOD". How can we say that 'He' was symbolism of truth when no such concept was known. Rishi asks how was the world created.
The answer is given in the sukta itself. They say that when there was nothing, there was a warmth. The darkness was wrapped all over even then the first seed was born called desire. The knowledged people tried to differentiate between 'being' and 'not-being'.
The question of whether the God is worth devoting to or not is also answered in the later part of the song where the symbolism of knowledge called "Hiranya-garbh" is defined. It describes which God should we pray to while performing 'karma' or a 'yajna'. The last line says that "the ONE whose arms are widespread and engulf each one of us, YES, that God is worth devoting".
Presented below is the actual Hindi Lyrics of that Song.

नासदासीन नो सदासीत तदानीं नासीद रजो नो वयोमापरो यत ।
किमावरीवः कुह कस्य शर्मन्नम्भः किमासीद गहनं गम्भीरम॥

सृष्टि से पहले सत नहीं था
असत भी नहीं
अंतरिक्ष भी नहीं

आकाश भी नहीं था

छिपा था क्या, कहाँ किसने ढका था

उस पल तो अगम अतल जल भी कहां था

नही थी मृत्यु , जी अमरता भी नही,

नही था दिन, रात भी नही,

हवा भी नही, साँस थी स्वयमेव फिर भी,

नही था कोई कुछ भी , परम तत्त्व से अलग , या परे भी

कर्म बनकर बीज पहला जो उगा,

काम बनकर वो जगा।

कवियों, ज्ञानियों ने जाना ,

असत और सत का निकट सम्बन्ध पहचाना

पहले सम्बन्ध में - हिरण्य

परम तत्त्व उसपर

ऊपर या नीचे ....... वह था बंटा हुआ ।

पुरूष और स्त्री बना हुआ ....

-----------(not remember it now; the full song was shown only in last episode)

ऊपर .......नीचे ......

सृष्टि यह बनी कैसे ,

किससे आई है कहाँ से ।

क्या कोई जानता है ,

बता सकता है ।

देवों को नही ज्ञान,

वे आए सृजन में क्यों ??

सृष्टि का कौन है कर्ता? कर्ता है या है विकर्ता?
ऊँचे आकाश में रहता
सदा अध्यक्ष बना रहता
वही सचमुच में जानता
या नहीं भी जानता
है किसी को नही पता
नही पता
नही है पता
नही है पता

Wednesday 6 January 2021

TMOD Role for 6th January 2021: Passing The Parcel


Passing The Parcel

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Think about it, I will come back on it in the last session.

Explaining the Theme of the meeting!

“Success and failure are a part and parcel of everyday work life’s highs and lows. But the memories of working with an inspirational team and that will never go”. Also, as SAA TM Nikita Binnai said “The beauty of all the first ever experiences is that you will never get to feel the same next since the second time you will have pre-assumptions attached😊

If you have attended the ceremony, today new sets of leaders have taken over. The past year had many ups and down due to pandemic, but we still kept going and today its not just the first meeting of the year 2021 but a new team behind this meeting. It takes lot of planning and effort for every single Toastmasters meeting and hopefully this goes on forever. Everybody out here teaches something important. I have learned a lot which really helps me to become a better person. Thank you.

Good evening fellow toastmasters and my dear guests.

I welcome you all to this 644th Meeting of Infosys Pune Toastmasters Club with our theme for today being “Passing The Parcel”. Is it mandatory to finish a race?

I don't have any trouble with not finishing; the main thing is to get started and have those first layers or foundations built. Then you keep passing the baton down to the next generation, and they build another bridge. I love promoting the new ones and mentoring them. But I also get mentored by them, even if they don't realize it. Yes, as theme is about “Let us pass the parcel of responsibilities and take a step towards creating new leader.

Let me now quickly explain the structure of a Toastmasters meeting:

The structure of a Toastmasters meeting is designed in such a way that the Toastmasters helps us in improving our communication and leadership skills and we in turn help each other to further improve upon it. Our meeting consists of three sections:

1.Prepared speech sections, wherein the club members deliver their prepared speeches or rather attempt projects from their pathway manuals.

2.Then, we have a very interesting and thought-provoking Table Topics Session (a kind of Impromptu Speaking Session) in which a topic would be given to you by our Table Topics Master and all you have to do is come up and speak on it spontaneously. This is a session especially for our esteemed guests to help them experience the art of public speaking. Also, you stand a chance of winning the Best Table Topic Speaker award complemented with our 100 Rs Amazon voucher.

3.Any lastly, we have our evaluation session wherein the Individual Evaluators evaluate the prepared speakers and the General Evaluator with his TAG team evaluates the entire meeting in general.


Now, let me introduce someone, who would be evaluating every little thing of the meeting. Our General Evaluator for today someone I also look up to and carefully hear all of her talks. Which are full of sayings TM Ashwini. " She always aspired to be a good speaker. TM gave her an opportunity to work on that and She grabbed the same.😊. A huge round of applause for TM Ashwini. 

TM Ashwini is not alone; she has her three helping hands along: the TAG team. Where T stands for Timer, A stands for Ah Counter and G stands for Grammarian. 

Our Grammarian for today, TM Amrut will help us in improving our grammar and vocabulary. Tm Amrut say “Since childhood, he  always aspired to learn swimming skill and when he got the opportunity to learn this skill few years back he was so much proud of myself thinking that  now I will not drown under water😂 and even can swim with multiple style😁  

Join me in welcoming our Grammarian!!!

Our Ah Counter for today is TM Sanjukta. she would be noting any overused words or filler sounds, crutch by anyone who speaks during the meeting.

I asked her question “You aspired to do something and one fine day you got that opportuinty. What was it like, doing something which you never did before”?

“I have aspired to be a brilliant (not just good) orator ever since I was little. But I used to be too shy and hesitant to speak up even in front of a group of more than 3 people. But now, since joining toastmasters, I am speaking up in every meeting in front of a group of almost 15-20.”

She is ““Someone working hard for future aspirations” Join me in welcoming our Ah Counter, TM Sanjukta

Final member of TAG team, our Timer, TM Anang (IPTMC)would be monitoring the time for each meeting segment and each speaker.

He always wanted to organise an event in my college. His dream came true in 2nd year when we organised a cultural event called aikya. It was a wonderful experience working with people from different states and getting familiar with their customs and art forms. This event was a beautiful representation of unity among diversity that our country is always known for.

Now it’s time to start with the first section of today’s meeting that is the today activity Section. 

Listener and Talker Activity

The talker’s job is to describe what he or she wants from a vacation without specifying a destination. The listener’s job is to listen attentively to what is being said (and what is not being said) and to demonstrate their listening through their behavior. After a few minutes of active listening, the listener should summarize the three or main criteria the talker is considering when it comes to enjoying their vacation. Finally, the listener should try to sell the talker on a destination for their vacation.


Memory Test Activity

I am going to read a list of words to test your memory. Listen carefully, and you cannot write down any of the words. Tell them you will test them later to see how many of the words they can remember.

Repeat each of the following words slowly, pausing briefly between each word:


















When you finish reading the list of words, distract your participants by talking about something else for at least one full minute.


I hope you guys enjoyed this communication activities.

Now it’s time to start with the second section of today’s meeting that is TTM Section. To conduct it let me invite.........

And now it’s time to those who have been meticulously scrutinizing the meeting, our  TAG team and General Evaluator to take over. …… 

Before Signing off: I would like to say something:

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. I am sure, we somewhere around inspire other, even we don’t know.

I would like to thank education team to come up with such a theme.

Please help me in welcoming our very new Secretary: Ashwini.

A huge round of applause for General Evaluator of the day,

Accept it and you will enjoy it…make it your own.. Find out things that are in your control and things that are not.. Learn from each and every experience, own it.. Life is yours and you are Life.


Dear Toasties, 

Here is the WOD and IOD for today's meeting. Do make it a point to positively use it and make it a part of your vocabulary. 😊 

 To relinquish: to give up (as a position of authority) formally

Eg:the retiring CEO relinquished his position to the company's vice president with very mixed feelings

Idiom of the day:

pass the buck:to blame someone or make them responsible for a problem that you should deal with

Eg:She's always trying to pass the buck and I'm sick of it!

Role takers for 6 Jan 2021


Virtual  meeting

🎤 Theme:  Passing The Parcel

💂🏻‍♂️ SAA - TM Nikita B

⏸️ Ah-Counter - TM Sanjukta

⏰ Timer - TM Anang 

📰 Grammarian - TM Amrut 

🎭 Table Topics Master - TM Nikita J

👑 TMoD -TM Nageshwar

👨🏻‍⚖️ General Evaluator - TM Ashwini

Saturday 3 October 2020

Theme: Synergy

Joint meet of Area C4 three(3) club's on 9th Sept 2020.

Script for T-MOD Role:

Introduction of Theme: 

In 1866, two separate entrepreneurs started milk business.  They were rivals and both competing companies in Switzerland. By, 1905 both men were dead, but the two companies were doing good. Later, merged to become one. Today it’s the largest food company and we call it NESTLE. Remembered Maggi, kit-kat, Nescafe N number of our favorite products. By coming together, instead on their own they showed synergy. It’s all about Interaction and collaboration to achieve greater Goal.

       Good evening fellow toastmasters and my dear guests.

I welcome you all to this 627th Meeting of Infosys Pune Toastmasters Club, 299th Meeting of TMC Pune North West and 25th Meet of Eaton Toastmasters with our theme for today being Synergy. Yes, as theme is about working together, instead on their own, we have this Joint Meet of Area C4 today.

For me Synergy is all about 3 C’s: Communication Collaboration Cooperation.Same way our structure of toastmasters meeting also has 3 parts. Today we have an additional Educational session as well by TM Prachi:

Let me now quickly explain the structure of a Toastmasters meeting:

The structure of a Toastmasters meeting is designed in such a way that the Toastmasters helps us in improving our communication and leadership skills and we in turn help each other to further improve upon it. Our meeting would consist of three sections:

1.Prepared speech sections, wherein the club members deliver their prepared speeches or rather attempt projects from their pathway manuals.

2.Then, we have a very interesting and thought-provoking Table Topics Session (a kind of Impromptu Speaking Session) in which a topic would be given to you by our Table Topics Master and all you have to do is come up and speak on it spontaneously. This is a session especially for our esteemed guests to help them experience the art of public speaking. Also, you stand a chance of winning the Best Table Topic Speaker award complemented with our 100 Rs Amazon voucher.

3.Any lastly, we have our evaluation session wherein the Individual Evaluators evaluate the prepared speakers and the General Evaluator with his TAG team evaluates the entire meeting in general.


 Now, let me introduce someone, who would be evaluating every little thing of the meeting. Our General Evaluator, TM Raghavendra from TMC Pune north west. According to Tm Raghavendra, "By proper communication we can have better synergy among team." Once again, A huge round of applause for TM Raghavendra. 

TM Raghavendra is not alone; He has her three helping hands along: the TAG team. Where T stands for Timer, A stands for Ah Counter and G stands for Grammarian. 

Our Grammarian for today, TM Richa will help us in improving our grammar and vocabulary.

Tm Richa, strongly believes "in Encouraging people to socialize outside of work. She wants teamwork as a must to become a part of our culture". This thoughts so well resonate with our theme. Join me in welcoming our Grammarian, a girl with a beautiful smile, TM Richa. 

Our Ah Counter, TM Venkatesh is from TMC pune north west. He would be noting any overused words or filler sounds, crutch by anyone who speaks during the meeting. He believes use of social media to “Connect with each other in today’s fast life through whatsapp, Facebook, instagram etc. Also through some of the applications like zoom, skype, Microsoft teams, google meet, Google duo etc”. I think we all are using it extensively. Join me in welcoming our Ah Counter, TM Venkatesh 

Final member of TAG team, our Timer, TM Paragi(IPTMC)would be monitoring the time for each meeting segment and each speaker. She says " Cooperation is important for fostering relationships and for achieving cooperation, people need honesty, support and tolerance. Trust is vital factor for cooperation. Be open while sharing your thoughts." Those are powerful thought can build strong synergy in our world. With a huge round of applause let me welcome our Timer, someone who has a mesmerizing voice, TM Paragi.


Now it’s time to start with the first section of our meeting that is the Prepared Speech Section. 

First Speaker:

TM Irene is attempting L3 P3 from “Leadership Development” Pathways and is mentored by Tm “Joylan”. Before that, I would request her evaluator, TM Jai Singh from TMCPNW to read out the objectives of TM Irene speech, I asked Tm Jai Singh how one can connect better. He feels “Today no one has time for others. First understand other person need and if it matches with you only then other person connects with you. We have common goals, so we are together” It’s how we are together in Toastmasters meet: Leadership and Public Speaking. Over to you TM Jay Singh 

Put your hands together for the wonder woman of IPTMC diligent lady, TM Irene. Let me quickly share her thoughts about connecting in today world “Even if the world is fast if you have empathy you can connect with anyone”. Wow it was inspiring.

 TM Irene – " She is so beautiful

She is so beautiful" - TM Irene.

 Speaker 2 

Our next speaker is TM Sneha. She is from Eaton TMC attempting (L1 P2 S2) from “Innovative Planning” Pathways. I would request her evaluator, TM Ashwini from IPTMC to read out the objectives of TM Sneha’s speech, TM Ashwini believes “By taking time to personally interact over a phone or a visit instead of only a like on social media” we can have better interaction in today’s fast world. Over to you Ashwini

 Put your hands together for the second speaker whose speech is awaited TM Sneha. She believes in doing things out of love💖, not for love. It Always worked for her to get cooperation from people” so well said TM sneha. Can we Have TM Sneha unmuted. 

TM Sneha – "  Me & Tommy  Me & Tommy" - TM Sneha.

Third Speaker:

Our next speaker is TM Hina Sharma is attempting L4 P1 from “Dynamic Leadership” Pathways and is mentored by Tm “Sagar Gupta”.I would request her evaluator, TM Amruta to read out the objectives of TM Hina’s Speech. Before it let me tell what Amruta says about build synergy in team: “Encourage people to socialize outside of work. Getting to know co-workers outside of work can boost interdependence and increase team communication and collaboration”. Over to you Amruta 

Put your hands together for TM Hina’s, Before that Let’s see what she thinks “Give a call rather than text .... do not leave the Human touch behind”. 

TM Hina Sharma– " Change is the catalyst 

Change is the catalyst "- TM Hina Sharma 

Now is the time for our Educational Session. Someone whose Talks, Evaluation and session are always Interesting. She, believe being empathetic in these times is the key.” A huge round of applause to a lady with a wide smile and a wonderful session coming ahead, by TM Prachi.


Now is the time for our most awaited session that is table topic session and to conduct the same let me call a person who has believe “rather than chatting we should call up and connect with our friends and family members. Socializing on calls is far more helpful than on messages”. Put your hands together for our very Energetic TTM TM Sheryl.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What a TT session it was. Topics were so varied and intriguing.

TM Paragi were all TT speaker were on time

And now it’s time to those who have been meticulously scrutinizing the meeting, our individual evaluators, TAG team

and General Evaluator to take over. …… 

Before Signing off: I would like to sum up saying that:

I believe taking out sometime and talking with each other, spending with our loved ones and friends, listening to each other’s problems, being there for each other can really help in better synergy. A huge round of applause for General Evaluator of the day, TM Raghvendra.


Humourous Speech contest: If there was no Google

Delivered on 16th Sept 2020 in IPTMC

Title: If there was no google

Have you ever tried to google your problem? Small or large, someone would have put an answer on internet, saying your problem is nothing. Mine is bigger, and you would end of reading someone else's problem..


Good evening fellow toastmasters and dear guest.  No response to my greetings. I think audience is still thinking about their problems. I will tell you guys the one problem in your life.


 Your E-mail ID password is going to expire on 9/16/2020 10:13:03 AM Indian Standard Time. Change your password NOW!!! It is recommended that you do not wait till the last day of password expiry!!! and we don’t change passwords till last date. Am I right, that way? I change my password on time.  I have changed password more that 100 times in past few years : Outlook hounds me every month. Do you remember when Gmail asked to change password. Gmail never asked me to change the password until last month. Last Month, Gmail also asked me to change the password. but it said you haven’t password in last 10 years. It was computer class, my teacher smacked hard on my head, focus on making your g-mail and not suggesting girls what should be there passwords. It was there, in such hostile environment I was introduced to google and Gmail. My first google search was: “Why do Indian teachers beat students? ”I just google it whatever might be my problem.

Growing up, I made Gmail my one stop solution to all my problems: Whatsoever difficult problem in your life, just open your Gmail account. I am sure there you will get solution of all your problems. Let’s see what I have today

             I want to study in foreign university, more than 100 universities mails, 50 offering  100% scholarship,20 offered me no hostel charges and free food and 2 universities will come to my house to pick and drop.

             High-5 banks giving me loan for no reason with least interest rate. Banks giving loan in 10 min.

             Companies offering jobs with salary much more than my current one, but initial deposit worth two years of my salary

             Some XYZ clinic, guarantee solution to all problems maybe that be Hair-loss.

             This is interesting, Mails from Robin sharma, Heyy Nageshwar you are awesome and I’ve decided to share my entire playbook that I’d previously only offered to my ultra-successful clients, so that you will x25 the rest of your pro and private life.

             What else I need in my life. Am I right, that way? 

My other problem: I was nuked the day when educator came up with recursion concept. Educator will all his might tried to explain recursion to me. Then, I went to my crush, with all her charisma tried to explain recursion, all I got about recursion that it causes headache. Then she took me to a guy. That fellow, we won’t talk about it. I just googled it. Finally, googled recursion. I got correct result but Did you mean: recursion. I clicked, again same page with same question Did you mean: recursion. After 5th click, I understood what is recursion better than anyone in the class and myself came up with simplest definition of recursion. Me going to my crush, my crush going to her crush itself is a recrusion. Am I right, that way? Google has its own way of teaching you.

My other problem: We like people who don’t forget our birthday and wishes on time. Google not all wishes me on birthday, but on all festivals, even wishes me on valentine’s day, though only day I don’t get whats app forward. So I wondered, if google is a girl or boy? If you think, I again googled it for results, you are absolutely wrong. Google obviously is a girl, who starts suggesting, answers even before we complete our questions. If girls still don’t agree with this, just remove G,O,O what left is GLE. Am I right, that way? You can thank me later to make you realize this.

There's a famous quote that is attributed to Albert Einstein: “Never memories something that you can look up.” All he meant was just google it. Now coming to the most difficult question. What if there is no google? It’s a Good question …I will google it.

Reviewed: N/A

Edited: N/A



The best baba/Google baba. 100 times in past few years because I forget my password. Likewise try to add some twist/surprise/ punchline after 2nd or 3rd sentence.


In next 5 minutes I will suggest you guys the best solution to all your problems. Common tell me, what are your difficulties in life. Personal, professional or extra-marital whatever. Even though this is humorous speech, I am talking on a very serious note.


Wednesday 16 September 2020

कविता मौत से ठन गई. Atal Bihari vajpayee Poem

मौत से ठन गई!

जूझने का मेरा इरादा न था,
मोड़ पर मिलेंगे इसका वादा न था,

रास्ता रोक कर वह खड़ी हो गई,
यों लगा ज़िन्दगी से बड़ी हो गई.

मौत की उमर क्या है? दो पल भी नहीं,
ज़िन्दगी सिलसिला, आज कल की नहीं.

मैं जी भर जिया, मैं मन से मरूं,
लौटकर आऊंगा, कूच से क्यों डरूं?

तू दबे पांव, चोरी-छिपे से न आ,
सामने वार कर फिर मुझे आज़मा.

मौत से बेख़बर, ज़िन्दगी का सफ़र,
शाम हर सुरमई, रात बंसी का स्वर.

बात ऐसी नहीं कि कोई ग़म ही नहीं,
दर्द अपने-पराए कुछ कम भी नहीं.

प्यार इतना परायों से मुझको मिला,
न अपनों से बाक़ी हैं कोई गिला.

हर चुनौती से दो हाथ मैंने किये,
आंधियों में जलाए हैं बुझते दिए.

आज झकझोरता तेज़ तूफ़ान है,
नाव भंवरों की बांहों में मेहमान है.

पार पाने का क़ायम मगर हौसला,
देख तेवर तूफ़ां का, तेवरी तन गई.

मौत से ठन गई.

कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा। Atal Bihari Vajpayee! Poem

कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा।

बाधाएं आती हैं आएं
घिरें प्रलय की घोर घटाएं,
पावों के नीचे अंगारे,
सिर पर बरसें यदि ज्वालाएं,
निज हाथों में हंसते-हंसते,
आग लगाकर जलना होगा।
कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा।

हास्य-रूदन में, तूफानों में,
अगर असंख्यक बलिदानों में,

उद्यानों में, वीरानों में,
अपमानों में, सम्मानों में,
उन्नत मस्तक, उभरा सीना,
पीड़ाओं में पलना होगा।
कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा।

उजियारे में, अंधकार में,
कल कहार में, बीच धार में,
घोर घृणा में, पूत प्यार में,
क्षणिक जीत में, दीर्घ हार में,
जीवन के शत-शत आकर्षक,
अरमानों को ढलना होगा।
कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा।

सम्मुख फैला अगर ध्येय पथ,
प्रगति चिरंतन कैसा इति अब,
सुस्मित हर्षित कैसा श्रम श्लथ,
असफल, सफल समान मनोरथ,
सब कुछ देकर कुछ न मांगते,
पावस बनकर ढलना होगा।
कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा।

कुछ कांटों से सज्जित जीवन,
प्रखर प्यार से वंचित यौवन,
नीरवता से मुखरित मधुबन,
परहित अर्पित अपना तन-मन,
जीवन को शत-शत आहुति में,
जलना होगा, गलना होगा।
क़दम मिलाकर चलना होगा।

- अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी